Marketing Resource Blog

Should Accounting Firms Have a Blog?

Written by Doug Shaffer | May 3, 2024 3:31:21 PM

Should Accounting Firms Have a Blog?

I was recently asked whether it makes sense for accounting firms to have a blog. Many people think of the word 'blog' and think of online diaries and mommy blogs without necessarily considering it a business strategy. 

However, content marketing should be an essential part of your business. It helps educate your audience and proves that you are an expert in your field; let's face it, it gets your name out there.

Blog writing for accounting firms doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. The key is to create informational and engaging content that you deliver consistently. For some firms, this might mean publishing a few times a week, while for others, it could be once a month (although posting that infrequently is not recommended).


Why are Blogs Important for Accounting Firms?

Blogs are important for accounting firms. A wide range of helpful topics can assist with lead generation and help position your company as a thought leader in the marketplace. 


How to Generate Ideas for Your Accounting Firms Blog?

Monitoring your competitors and analyzing the information they share online via blog posts and social media channels can be a great way to find ideas for content. 

Another way to spark the ideation process is to take note of the questions your clients frequently ask you. Compiling a list of these topics can generate great blog post concepts. 

By sharing your knowledge and opinions, you establish yourself as an expert and a go-to resource when people need assistance.


3 Reasons Every Accounting Firm Should Write Blog Posts

While we've established that creating engaging blog posts is a great way to establish yourself and your team as thought leaders, there are other benefits, too. 

Here are three additional reasons blogs work for accounting firms. 


Reason #1: Google Users Will Find You In Their Searches

Your blog posts will address the topics and questions frequently asked by your clients. By incorporating specific keywords in your posts, you can improve their ranking on search engines like Google. This process is known as search engine optimization (SEO) and is a great way to generate organic leads.

For example, if someone searches for 'Top 5 Accountants in Atlanta' and you've included those words (and variations of those words) in one of your posts, Google's web crawlers will likely surface your post when displaying the search results.


Reason #2: You Become an Expert in Your Field 

Sharing consistent and relevant content demonstrates your expertise. While providing information for free may seem counterintuitive, people will turn to you for professional assistance once they recognize you as a credible source. You can establish your expertise in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Blog posts
  • Email Marketing
  • Webinars
  • Product or Service Recommendations 
  • Free Resources


Reason #3: It's Brand Promotion and Content Marketing For Accountants

Blogs and social media posts serve as additional marketing channels for your business. Your name is associated with the information you share on platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, and as content gets shared, you gain visibility and exposure to a broader audience. 


Should Accounting Firms Use an Agency for Blog Writing?

Content marketing for accounting firms is an important part of your marketing plan. Most people seeking information go directly to Google, and by establishing your online presence, you can rank higher in search results and increase your brand's visibility. 

If writing isn't your forte, that doesn't mean you shouldn't leverage it to promote your business. Instead, you can hire a marketing firm to help with the content creation process.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help drive organic leads for your organization.